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WSCAD Software training

TrainingsTraining Engineer

WSCAD Engineer

(Duration: 5 Days)

For machine, plant and PLC manufacturers: Planning and managing projects, including all documentation, schematics and cabinet designs.

  • Overview of WSCAD products using a practical example (brewery project)
  • Familiarise yourself with our program interface
  • Create and manage projects
  • Create schematics using articles and symbols
  • Effective use of macros
  • Management of terminals, plugs, contractors, cables and PLC‘s
  • Manage parent and child elements
  • Cabinet design with the cabinet engineering discipline: dimensions, mounting plate, door and wall fittings, cable channels
  • PLC design without schematics or with data from another E-CAD system
  • 3D cabinet view
  • Automatic numbering
  • Create documentation and lists: cover sheet, summary, material lists, terminal and cable plans, etc.
  • Export projects as intellegent PDF
  • Import PDF documents
  • Create Lists, ex. Terminal plans and material lists
  • Tips and Tricks for WSCAD from our experienced instructors


for your WSCAD Software Professional, Electrical, Automation, Installation, BA Project

Schedule (On Site)

Day 1:            9:00 am – 4:30 pm
Day 2-5:        8:30 am – 4:30 pm

every day 9:00 am – 5:00 pm


per Person (+ tax for German companies). 

Included services Classroom training: beverages, lunch, snacks, training documents, certificate.

Included services Online training: 4-week full version of the current WSCAD software, installation and setup of the software on your computer by a WSCAD employee, digital training documents, certificate.

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